Episode 06 - Deana Cavan

Deana Cavan is a mom, wife, yogini, and absolutely beautiful soul. In this episode, she shares about losing her 9-month old, Everett, to a rare form of liver cancer and how that experience transformed her and her husband’s lives; they felt called to create Rett’s Roost - “a sanctuary for families with a child afflicted by cancer, offering a community of loving kindness and supportive activities in a peaceful, natural setting to ease their experience with the disease.” Deana talks about Everett’s spirit, mediumship, grief, her marriage, resiliency, strength, community, her desire to heal through giving to and healing others, numerology, Rett’s Roost’s mission, retreats, and events, their upcoming move, and the tremendous light that is in their lives now. Please pause and gift yourself the opportunity to listen to this heart-wrenching yet inspiring and moving episode, full of truth, sadness as well as joy, healing, vision, and vitality.