20160421 - Preethi Rajan On Death

Host: Eugene Kim

This week, we listen to Preethi Rajan's responses to the four prompts!

She's a first year medical student without a science degree (big deal!), the daughter of immigrants, as well as a thoughtful lady with a depth of life experience. She currently aspires to be a pediatrician, and also actively performs with Say Ahh! Capella, a USF Health student acapella group.

Preethi's responses will leave you thinking, and I hope you enjoy!


Preethi is...
a student,
a daughter,
an artist

Before Preethi dies, she wants...
to help some kids

When Preethi dies, she wants...
to be happy,

After Preethi die, she wants...
to leave behind a kid, a grandkid.

In conclusion, Preethi says...

The most important lesson that I've learned is to always stay true to myself. That's what I would want to tell the younger version of myself.

My mom has said this to me, "Be yourself, nobody can tell you you're doing it wrong."