20160421 - Tavia Rahki Smith On Death

Host: Eugene Kim

Tavia Rahki Smith! An aspiring yoga instructor, child of divorce, and an incredibly lovely human. She's a part of the dirty dozen, the gestational interviews that have helped On Death develop into the podcast it is now! Additionally, the first live audience! Hope you enjoy :)


Tavia is…
a blip,
a manifestation of the universe in a body,
a light,
and sensitive.

Before Tavia dies, she wants…
to break a lot of physical and mental barriers,
to share everything she’s learned,
a family,
a biological child,
to get rid of all her earthly possessions,
and to do ayahuasca.

When Tavia dies, she wants…
to cremate her body or donate her body to science,
to be healthy,
it to be a choice.

After Tavia dies, she wants…
to not want anything,
her essence to be free,
her loved ones to learn something from her life,
the world to not get sick and croak.

In conclusion, Tavia says…

Love is a verb. I think that there’s a world inside you that you have to explore and it’s amazing and once you decide that and believe it, it’s like you’re reborn into this other place and it’s so exciting and I want everyone to feel that and live that.