20160714 - Stephen Grow On Death

Stephen Grow! Stephen is a father of two, a follower of Christ, and a loving husband. In this conversation, we discuss the difficulties and benefits of homeschooling, the difference between being a Christian and having a relationship with Jesus, and how a hug can change a life.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Stephen is...
a follower of Christ,
a homeschool parent,

and a crossfitter.

Before Stephen dies, he wants...
to see his daughters grow up, get married, and have kids of their own,
to figure out what God wants him to do on earth,
to see his children get to know and love Jesus,
and to be the best husband father and friend he can be.

When Stephen dies, he wants...
to see Jesus, his uncles, and his other mama.

After Stephen dies, he wants...
people to not be sad, but happy for him,
his family to be taken care of,
and people to love more, to help each other more.

In conclusion, Stephen says...

Just love. Don't judge others. Always help someone. And find in life what makes you happy. Always be positive. Be quick to listen, don't talk so much.