20170806 - On clinical DGAF


This week, I reflect on a patient that I really didn't like. And she really didn't like me, either. Through this encounter, I picked up a new tool for loosening up tough patients as well as a newfound respect for the physical exam.

I hope you enjoy!

20170803 - M. Singh On Death

M. Singh! Manny is a 29yo fourth year medical student, powerlifter, and rational thinker. In this cerebral conversation, we discuss the tenets of the Sikh faith, the great waste of human potential through procrastination, and the benefits of competition toward the next steps for humanity.

I hope you enjoy!

Manny is…
and searching for an answer.

Before Manny dies, he wants…
to get the ball rolling,
and to see humanity advance to the next step.

When Manny dies, he wants…
to be the kind of person who doesn’t care about how he dies.

After Manny dies, he wants…
to see humanity spread to the stars,
to see us fundamentally rewrite the laws of physics,
and for us to know everything that can be known.

In conclusion, Manny says…
“As far as my parting words, I think I’ll take a moment just to describe what my personal philosophy is and what I think the purpose of life is.”

20170730 - On change


This week, I reflect on change through two stories: one slam dunk and one missed opportunity. Sometimes, a shock to the system is the best medicine to stimulate change and new behaviors.

Perhaps this was mine.

I hope you enjoy!

20170723 - On a long week


This week, I reflect on a long week. I held one family meeting, an end of life discussion, and received some heartening feedback. Then, I look forward to the change back to outpatient medicine, rotating first with the Emergency Department.

I hope you enjoy!

20170720 - Dave Del Negro On Death

Dave Del Negro! Dave is a 26yo third year medical student, athlete, and teacher. Dave has rotated with me through Internal Medicine and teaches wrestling at our informal fight club. During this conversation, we discuss his early diagnosis of ADHD, the value of competitive American Wrestling, and the subject of suicide.

I hope you enjoy!

Dave is…
just as odd as most of them,
a student,
someone who has fleeting ideas of grandiosity,
just a competitor,
and too gritty to be bougie.

Before Dave dies, he wants…
to let Mother Earth know he’s been here,
and to accomplish a whole bunch of fun things.

When Dave dies, he wants…
to see the seventies and eighties.

After Dave dies, he wants…
an afterlife that is individualized.

In conclusion, Dave says...
“I hope someone looks back on this as a time capsule: a very interesting era of human history. We lose the ability to analyze things that happen before us. We’re so stubborn to not listen to history.”

20170719 - On the exploration of limitations


This week, I reflect on my limitations as I grow older and less bold. I consider what 20yo Eugene would have done after bouldering on Tuesday while planning to Spartan Race on Saturday. In the end, I accept the shoulda, woulda, couldas and sleep for twelve hours.

I hope you enjoy!

20170716 - On showing, not telling


This week, I reflect on two stories. First, how a series of hellos left a good impression. Second, how syrup on a short stack of pancakes reminds me of an aged son caring for a sick mother. In the end, I wrap up with some guidelines for my future.

I hope you enjoy!

20170707 - Katrina Wachter On Death

Katrina Wachter! Katrina is a 24yo third year medical student, a musician, a second Lieutenant in the US Army, and a Christian. I’ve known her since the very first days of med school as she is my peer pair partner for the SELECT program. She’s an outstanding example of a human and I am so glad to finally bring her to you. During this conversation, we discuss the value of deep breathing and journaling, her encounters with death, and her desires for a family.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Katrina is…
a ball of anxiety wrapped up in good intentions,
a musician,
a Christian,
and someone who sometimes cares too much.

Before Katrina dies, she wants...
to be married,
and to feel fulfilled in whatever she does.

When Katrina dies, she wants…
to be old,
and to die peacefully around loved ones.

After Katrina dies, she wants…
to be with those that passed before her in the Glory of God.

In conclusion, she says…
“Don't be afraid to ask questions. About anything: about your faith, about how something works, about life in general, about the future.

Don't be afraid to ask those questions because you're never going to learn something unless you put yourself through it. And the best way to do that is through questions.”

20170702 - On a tale of eight data points


This week, I reflect on the grind of Step One with the help of a few data points. Scores were finally released this past Wednesday and now that I know I passed, I can look back with some perspective on my path to a 209.

I hope you enjoy!

20170625 - On the clinical grind


This week, I reflect on clinical fatigue. The glamour of first week has faded and been replaced with long days and wishes for no-shows. I bombed a quiz and strive to retain some semblance of a self-care routine. Finally, I hope to recognize myself at the end of this long year.

I hope you enjoy!

20170622 - Joel Eisenberg

Joel Eisenberg! Joel is a 25yo third year medical student, a native of Florida, and lover of food. I've rotated with Joel throughout medical school and I'm excited to bring him to you. During this conversation, we discuss authenticity, how culinary school is more intense than medical school, and how his mother taught him about death.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Joel is...
currently rolling around on a bouncy ball,
and a good level hunger-wise.

Before Joel dies, he wants...
to live.

When Joel dies, he wants...
to be composted.

After Joel dies, he wants...
to be dead.

In conclusion, Joel says...
"Don't use what I just said against me in any way. I can't be held accountable for everything I say. Just, c'mon."

20170618 - On mixed findings


This week, I reflect upon my first week of the Internal Medicine rotation. I've encountered challenging patients, inspiring physicians, and shocking attitudes. I look forward to the start of summer this week, to mark a season of profound growth and challenge.

I hope you enjoy!

20170608 - Emily Duerr On Death

Emily Duerr! Emily is a 24yo third-year medical student, 2nd lieutenant in the US Army, and future farmer. I've known Emily since the first week of medical school and I'm excited to see where her drive takes her career. During this conversation, we discuss her Lutheran upbringing, the importance of raising chickens, and her passion for veteran's care.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Emily is...
incredibly independent,
very dedicated,
a little intense at times,
and patriotic.

Before Emily dies, she wants...
a farm with a family, Shane, dogs, chickens,
and to become the best version of herself.

When Emily dies, she wants...
to be surrounded by friends and family,
and it to not be a big sad thing.

After Emily dies, she wants...
to be remembered as a kick-ass mom.

In conclusion, Emily says...
Find what works for you and go for it.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something.


20170604 - On slow starts


This week, I reflect on the first slow week of third year. The hurry-up-and-wait is very strong, but I'm enjoying it the best that I can. I meet a friend unexpectedly, in the expected place.

 Thank you.

20170529 - On quiet transitions


This week, I reflect on the end of my second-year-dom as I roll into third year on Tuesday. I revel in a chance to relax and reset with family and look forward to unwinding after clinic.

 Thank you.

20170525 - Andre Lee On Death

[Start @ 11:20 - 1:07:00 (bathroom break), 1:08:30 - end]

Andre Lee! Andre is a 27yo third year medical student, martial artist, and musician. I met him early on in my Tampa adventures and I am glad to live with him as we transition to Pennsylvania. During this conversation, we discuss the importance of independence, holding up his uncle, how mosh pits respect musicians, and how every party needs a healer.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Andre is...
a jack of all trades,
someone that never wants to be alone,
and a hardcore ABC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Born_Chinese

Before Andre dies, he wants...
to have an active lifestyle,
to create something,
to find his passion,
to be a positive force,
and to have a lasting impact on an organization.

When Andre dies, he wants...
a huge party for his death,
and to die after his parents.

After Andre dies, he wants...
his death to not be a big deal,
his work to continue,
and no afterlife.

In conclusion, Andre says...
"One thing I'm really grateful for, that I've done in my life, is jumping into things, commiting to them, just doing it, and seeing something through.
Like the first time I jumped on a skateboard: you know you're probably going to eat shit, but do you want to skate? I'm glad for all those moments in my life. It's gonna hurt, but do you want to do this or not? Yes or no. 
If the answer's yes, then you should do it."


20170521 - On the other side


Please know that there was no loss of life and that everyone is safe.

This week, I reflect on sitting for Step One, returning home, and waking up to an attempted murder across the street. I consider this my rite of passage for the initiation of my clinical medical education: triaging a gunshot victim and directing an armed police response to a gunman.

Link: http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-upper-saucon-shooter-golf-cart-chase-20170521-story.html

 Thank you.

20170514 - On the final stretch


This week, I reflect on the final countdown to Step One. I feel ready for the grind to end. I feel tired from all the computer screen time. I feel excited for this chapter to end and for the next to begin.

I hope you enjoy! :)

20170511 - Rahul Paul On Death

Rahul Paul! Rahul is a 26yo Hindu-raised Bangledeshi, a third year medical student interested in emergency medicine, and a scientist. During this conversation, we discuss the relatable story of Krishna, the value of earned perspective, and why you should breathe into your balls.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Rahul is...
a citizen of the universe,
very lost,
and a scientist.

Before Rahul dies, he wants...
to continue his breadth of experiences,
to visit every continent,
to see aliens,
and to build free clinics.

When Rahul dies, he wants...
to be healthy,
a conversation of closure with his loved ones,
to inspire others.

After Rahul dies, he wants...
and things to keep going.

In conclusion, Rahul says...
"There's always an answer to every problem. As lost as you may feel sometimes, if you seek the right person for help, be open to the fact that there is an answer, then things will change.
Don't be steadfast in your views, rigid like a stick. Be like Bruce Lee: flow like water."