Episode 21: Sally Morsbach

Sally Morsbach, founder of and Grief and Loss Counselor for Mourn to Light, is one of the most inspirational women in my life. This powerful, devoted, passionate, beautiful, compassionate woman also happens to be my mom, and it felt absolutely sacred landing in presence with her in this way and having the opportunity to interview her. In this episode, Sally shares about her innate curiosity about people - their stories, choices, resiliency, healing, and how her inquisitive spirit combined with her own losses guided her to live her purpose. A natural growth seeker, Sally is continuously nourishing her body and mind with more wisdom, i.e. she recently became a certified health coach through the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, and she is brilliant at guiding others to explore how to best support and nurture themselves in the midst of suffering. Tune in, listen and enjoy listening to Sally’s story. This radiant woman lives with such incredible passion, truth, playfulness, joy and love, and her energy truly ripples out to all those who cross her path.

Core Nourishment With Annie Wagoner - Episode 21 - Sally Morsbach
Core Nourishment With Annie Wagoner