Episode 49: Susan McNamara

Susan McNamara, founder of “Remembering What Matters Most,” Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Educator, and Writer joins me for the 2nd time (check out episode 40 if you haven’t already)! I was delighted to dive into conversation again with this incredible woman, to hear about her recent weekend in the mountains, and to hold space for her to share all about her new book, Trusting Your Body: The Embodied Journey of Claiming Sacred Responsibility for Your Health & Well-Being. This book is an invitation into an awakening in how one looks at their body... How they treat it, how they feel about it and relate to it. Susan says “Being in a body that is well cared for is the most generous act you will ever do for not only yourself, but for everyone around you.” Tune into this episode and enjoy soaking up Susan’s passion, realness, energy, and wisdom. And if you are interested in ordering a copy of Susan’s book or reaching out to her directly, head on over to her website: www.rememberingwhatmattersmost.com.

Episode 49: Susan McNamara
Core Nourishment With Annie Wagoner