20160929 - Michael Watson On Death

Michael Watson! Michael is currently a third year medical student, a hunter, and coach. This interview's pulled from the Dirty Dozen, the gestational episodes for this podcast, almost six months ago! In this conversation, we talk about skin in the game, fear, and Michael's developed perspective on coaching.

I hope you enjoy!

Michael is…
a person,
a student,
a teacher,
and unsure.

Before he dies, Michael wants…
to be completely self-sustaining,
to merge with the circle of life,
and to pass everything on.

When he dies, Michael wants…
to be in control of the dying process,
and to relax into death.

After he dies, Michael wants…
to know,
and to be enlightened on the great mystery.

In conclusion, Michael says…

“Dive into your answers. I’m not going to say think about your answers, because I’m sure you’ve already been thinking about them. But, analyze them and think about your death often.”