20161027 - Anne Laverty On Death

Anne Laverty! Anne is a 26yo second year medical student, women's studies major, and dreamer. I truly enjoyed this opportunity to sit down with Anne and talk through the four prompts; she's a lovely human that lights up a room and has been described as an 'enthusiastic dancer'. In this conversation, we discuss being a lover, developing community-based approaches to health care, and finding comfort in failure.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Anne is...
a dreamer,
a feminist,
a Christian,
and a family member.

Before Anne dies, she wants...
to transform health care,
and to live.

When Anne dies, she wants...
to be brave.

After Anne dies, she wants...
her family and friends to celebrate and move on.

In conclusion, Anne says...

"There's this great poet, Mary Oliver, has this quote: 'What will you do with this one wondrous life?'... If I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail big."