Lui Espinoza - 20170302

Lui Espinosa! Lui is a 31yo second year medical student, a burgeoning philosopher-physician, and a runner. He has stood out among my classmates as a human with lived experiences and earned wisdom. During this conversation, you'll learn about the death of his grandfather as well as his Portuguese friend Hannibal, his setbacks and obstacles while growing up and attaining his education, and his joy of life throughout it all.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Lui Espinoza - 20170302
The Four Prompts On Death

Lui is...
a sensor,
growing into his role as a physician,
a runner,
a wee bit of a climber,
and eventually a philosopher-physician.

Before Lui dies, he wants...
to be ready,
and to make good out of bad.

When Lui dies, he wants...
to get better at saying goodbye.

After Lui dies, he wants...
things to go well for the people in his life.

In conclusion, Lui says...
“I’d be remiss if I didn’t finish with a ‘Thank you’, so thank you very much.”
