Alana Karma Twice Again

Alana Karma! Alana is a 24yo survivor, growing human, not a phoenix. This marks the third time Alana has joined us on the podcast, effectively ending the trilogy which began in 2017. Between that first interview and the second, she suffered a severe car accident which left her with brain damage and difficulty adjusting to her new life, as evidence in that 2018 interview. Now, almost three years after the initial interview and two years after the accident, we discuss life on the other side of forgiveness for someone that hurt you, how the coronavirus pandemic felt like everyone joining Alana in the “weird”, and how she identified with a caterpillar more than a phoenix these days.

I hope you enjoy!

Alana Karma Twice Again
The Four Prompts On Death

Alana is...
nothing, nothing at all,
and not the Phoenix

Before Alana dies, she wants...
us to deal with this tragedy with grace,
and to become herself.

When Alana dies, she wants...
to see all these complications resolved somehow,
and to see everything on the uprise.

After Alana dies, she wants...
to be remembered in the ways that people interact with the world.

In conclusion, Alana says...
“The first thing that I’m going to say is: drop your labels! Stop identifying with who you think you are and ask yourself who you are on the inside. Live by being the best version of who you are. Not better. I don’t like that word anymore. Drop your labels. Be the best you can. Live by The Four Agreements.”
