Lobynn Cha - 2020DEC

Lobynn Cha! Lobynn is a 25yo daughter, entrepreneur, small business owner, and chef. I met Lobynn at her wonderful restaurant Little Miss Korea in Allentown, PA. During this conversation, we discuss her vagabond upbringing by missionary parents, how Koreans and Italians have more in common than you’d think, and how she navigates running a small business with her family. I hope you enjoy!

I hope you enjoy!

Lobynn Cha - 2020DEC
The Four Prompts On Death

Lobynn is…
a daughter,
a sister,
a life partner,
a business woman,
and a student.

Before Lobynn dies, she wants…
to travel to all the places she wants to go,
to have a family,
to have financial freedom,
and to spend time with her family.

When Lobynn dies, she wants…
a really fun funeral if she dies young.

After Lobynn dies, she wants…
to give things to her grandchildren.

In conclusion, Lobynn says…
“If you have a vision and you have this recurring picture that you want to achieve, just go for it. Because it is all attainable.”
