Whew… what a delightful, powerful, raw, and beautiful interview with the incredible Marlene McCallum of Most Powerful Life. Marlene is a mom, wife, exquisite listener, speaker, warm and exceptional Life and Leadership Coach. She specializes in empowering men and women to create life-altering results in the areas of love, career, joy, life purpose, and personal well-being. And Marlene is on a mission to “unleash the Most Powerful Life within each of us.”
In this episode, Marlene shares about swimming as a moving meditation, being a mom and savoring special mom and daughter dinners (organized by her 12 year old), and the power of words. She talks about reconnecting with her 10-year old self during a conference, trying on a “new coat,” and discovering her purpose as a coach. We chat about the dance between fear and possibility, living in survival mode over the last 2.5 years, toxic positivity, and compassion. Time magically disappeared as we flowed in conversation together and I am so deeply grateful for this opportunity to have landed in presence with this inspiring and magnificent soul. If you are interested in contacting Marlene, you can email her at marlene@mostpowerfullife.com. Enjoy!