Episode 63: Dr. Kristina Carman

Episode 63: Dr. Kristina Carman

Dr. Kristina Carman is a Naturopathic Doctor, Nutritional Therapist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner specializing in hormone health, digestive health, weight management, and the therapeutic use of food as medicine. Through nutritional interventions, functional medicine, supplements, herbs, movement therapy, and lifestyle changes, Kristina supports and empowers others to achieve optimal well-being and feel  their most vibrant self. This episode is a beautiful deep dive into who Kristina is as a dedicated and passionate doctor and practitioner, and also as a woman, mom, and soulful, bold, compassionate human. In our conversation, Kristina talks about holding space, finding elements of contentment and joy, the impact of stress and how our culture glamorizes being busy, her own self-care non-negotiables, finding glimmers, noticing our choices, and stacking small, micro moments and habits to become our most authentic, healthy version. Other topics discussed include what we are digesting every day, energy, yoga, journaling, parenting, relationship to our phones, and being present. Kristina is a brilliant, inspiring woman and leader in the health and wellness world. Enjoy tuning into her energy and receiving some of her incredible wisdom and tips. And if you are interested in reaching out to her, you can find her at www.tinyfishco.com and at www.aceva.com

Also, for the month of March, Dr. Kristina is offering a giveaway for all listeners here. If you are interested in checking out Aceva, the nutraceutical company that Kristina talks about at the end, head to www.aceva.com. The first custom pack is 50% off site-wide. However, for all of my listeners here, use Annie50 to order your first custom pack and get your next one FREE. The custom pack is a monthly nutrient pack that comes in daily packs, much easier for dosage and product continuity. And it takes the guesswork out of what nutrients someone will need. And stay tuned, as I am interviewing the founder of Aceva, Dr. Joe Esposito next!

Episode 63: Dr. Kristina Carman
Core Nourishment With Annie Wagoner