Episode 64: Dr. Joe Esposito

Episode 64: Dr. Joe Esposito

Dr. Joe Esposito is a high intention, lifestyle-focused chiropractor, certified clinical nutritionist, and founder, CEO of three incredible health and wellness movements in the world: AlignLife, Aceva, and LifePlus MD. In this episode, Joe shares about two pivotal experiences he had years ago that woke him up and catapulted him into channeling his frustrations and energy into becoming a chiropractor, entrepreneur, and a determined, compassionate leader in natural healthcare. He went on to create an all natural line of clinically inspired nutritional products (Aceva) and is on a mission to educate and empower communities and individuals all over the globe. In our conversation, Joe also talks about staying curious, challenging our thoughts, releasing stories and guilt, coming back to small, consistent habits like hydration, deep breaths and meditation, working toward harmony, and expanding self-awareness. I had an absolute blast connecting with and interviewing Dr. Joe, and left our time together feeling so enlivened and inspired. Enjoy listening to Joe’s brilliance and walking away with some awesome nuggets of wisdom. If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Joe and/or reaching out to him, you can find him at www.alignlife.com, www.lifeplusmd.com, and at www.aceva.com

Also, for the month of March, Dr. Joe is offering a giveaway for all listeners here. If you are interested in checking out Aceva, the nutraceutical company that Joe founded and talks about, head to www.aceva.com. The first custom pack is 50% off site-wide. However, for all of my listeners, clients, and followers, use Annie50 to order your first custom pack and get your next one FREE. The custom pack is a monthly nutrient pack that comes in daily packs, much easier for dosage and product continuity. And it takes the guesswork out of what nutrients someone will need.

Episode 64: Dr. Joe Esposito
Core Nourishment With Annie Wagoner